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Tigereye (Marra Mamba) Ring

Tigereye (Marra Mamba) Ring
Tigereye (Marra Mamba) Ring
Tigereye (Marra Mamba) Ring
Tigereye (Marra Mamba) Ring

Origin: Western Australia

Ring Size: US 9 / R 1/2

Marra Mamba Tigereye comes from a single seam, discovered in Western Australia.

Tigereye was formed when quartz permeated crystals of crocidolite, a form of asbestos (it is not harmful by any measure!). In the late 19th Century, it was worth more than its weight in gold.

Tigereye stimulates both the base chakra and the solar plexus and is excellent for achieving balance. It is very grounding and at the same time fosters sharpened self-awareness and intuition.

Tigereye instills a sense of clarity and prepares us for a more practical approach to those projects that have many loose ends to tie together.

Tigereye strengthens ones self-confidence and conviction.

It is also a protection stone, particularly for travelers.


The Merkaba, or Star Tetrahedron, is a spiritual concept represented by a 3-dimensional Star of David - two interlocking triangular pyramids symmetrically aligned, with one pointing up and the other inverted.

The Merkaba is the light body – a great field of energy surrounding each of us, which extends beyond our etheric field and maintains the star tetrahedron geometric pattern. When activated, the two pyramids spin at immense speed in opposite directions and the energy field generated extends up to 10 metres from our bodies, but also expands into all possible dimensions and parallel universes. It is explained that when we activate the Merkaba, all possibilities are open to us, including limitless travel within and between dimensions, and ascension to the highest realms.

The perfectly integrated pyramids of the Merkaba, pointing and spinning in opposite directions, embody the perfect equilibrium of opposites, be it of Heaven and Earth, Male and Female, duality and Oneness.

We don’t take payment through the website.
Instead, once your order is submitted we’ll contact you via email or phone with your pro forma invoice.

We’ll provide you with a branded satin pouch and information card for every item you order.
We’ll ship your order in an Express Post satchel via Australia Post, unless we have communicated to arrange otherwise.
The cost of shipping your entire order is AUD $12.70
For larger, bulky orders the cost of shipping is AUD $16.75
Upon your request, we can add the signature on delivery service for an extra cost of $6

USA Australian Inside Diametre (mm)
6 L ½ 16.5
6.5 M ½ 16.9
7 N ½ 17.3
7.5 O ½ 17.75
8 P ½ 18.2
8.5 Q ½ 18.6
9 R ½ 19
9.5 S ½ 19.4
10 T ½ 19.8
10.5 U ½ 20.24
11 V ½ 20.66
11.5 V 4/5 21
12 X ½ 21.5
12.5 Y ½ 21.9
13 Z +1 22.3
13.5 Z +3 23
14 Z +4 23.5