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Vera Cruz Amethyst


Vera Cruz Amethyst

Amethyst is a Quartz, whose purple colour is the result of a combination of iron impurities and trace elements in the crystal lattice being exposed to natural radiation.

Vera Cruz Amethyst in particular is a very high vibrational form of amethyst found only in Las Vigas, Vera Cruz State, Mexico. Unlike the more common Amethyst from Brazil and Uruguay, which forms a druzy (a thin crust of low lying crystal points), Vera Cruz Amethyst forms as dainty, finger like crystals.

Vera Cruz Amethyst helps one to reach a deep meditative state very quickly and easily. In conjunction with the Third Eye, it helps one to develop ones intuition and connection with the higher spiritual realms.

It also acts as a powerful protector of the wearer.

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